E-mail as it exists today is basically not a secure medium. It has always been possible for someone to intercept and read e-mail, and our legal system has not covered e-mail with the same legal protections that postal mail receives. For this reason, KeyMail recommends that if you have a real worry about your privacy, you encrypt your mail using a utility such as PGP.
That being said, e-mail is generally secure while being transmitted. At KeyMail, your mail normally exists on our machine only for a matter of moments. As soon as your mail comes in, it is forwarded on to your specified account.
The policy at KeyMail is to afford the maximum privacy and security possible, within the law. It is KeyMail's policy to not retain any copies of your messages once the message is delivered to you. If you request that your name be kept private, we will not disclose it to anyone not required to know it to deliver your mail to you. If you have any questions about our policies or procedures, please write to us at admin@keymail.com.